lonalighgi Admin replied

293 weeks ago


=absoluteley=ZG93bmxvYWR8bTE5TWpFM2ZId3hOVE0zTWpNeU1qQTNmSHd5TWpVeGZId29UVTlPVTFSRlVpa2dSM1ZwYkdSM2IzSnJJRnRRYjNOMFhTQjdmUQ.overlap]The Heat Hd Mp4 Download

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a5c7b9f00b An uptight FBI Special Agent is paired with a foul-mouthed Boston cop to take down a ruthless drug lord.
Sarah Ashburn, an FBI agent, is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion, but she doesn't get along with her co-workers. She is sent to Boston to uncover the identity of an elusive drug lord, Mr. Larkin, by tracking down his proxy, Rojas, and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she finds Larkin. When she arrives in Boston, she learns that Larkin has been eliminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns that Rojas is in Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about Larkin, but is warned that the cop who arrested Rojas, Shannon Mullins, is very territorial, and she is not exactly sociable. When the two meet they don't get along. When Mullins learns why Ashburn is in Boston, she decides to find Larkin herself. Ashburn is told by her boss to work with Mullins, but it won't be easy because Ashburn does things by the book while Mullins does things her way.
Usually when I watch a movie my girlfriend has picked I barely make it the whole way through, this time however I was laughing the whole time and thoroughly enjoyed it. The movie started fairly averagely and I thought it would be another film I just didn't get, but I found the movie just gets funnier and funnier. I was in stitches about 3/4 of the way through. This movie does well to balance lady based comedy with jokes for everyone to make it one of the most hilarious movies of the year! I would suggest seeing this movie to anyone, on the cover it may look like a chick flick but I can promise you that it will entertain anyone for the duration. It had my girlfriend in tears and points! Well justifies the 7/10 rating!!
The run-of-the-mill buddy cop film where two polar opposite law enforcement characters are thrown together leading to 'I'll rip your head off' clashes and (as typically found in this genre) palling up in the end to catch the villains while learning some life lessons.<br/><br/>The story follows by-the-book know-it-all Special Agent Sarah Ashburn (Sandra Bullock), who travels to Boston on an assignment to capture a drug lord in order to impress her boss and secure a promotion. There she runs into foul-mouthed brash Detective Shannon Mullins (Melissa McCarthy) of the Boston Police Department who's extremely territorial about her neighborhood and the people she arrests.<br/><br/>Directed and produced by Paul Feig and written by Katie Dippold, 'The Heat' is undeniably hilarious but being R-rating; it haulsmany profanities and vulgarity at the screenpossible. Luckily most of the gags are more hit than miss though some jokes do overstay their welcome. The story is peppered with buddy cop clichés and you'll be able to foresee how the story unravelsit goes through predictable plots and twists. What makes up for it is the enthusiastic chemistry Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy share through trials and tribulation.<br/><br/>Sandra Bullock starts off a little coldyou fail to connect to her character. A role she has been seen in before, the moment the character begins to loosen up things get entertaining. Melissa McCarthy showcases her immense talent here and is a complete scene stealer with crude comedy and aggressive body language. Both of them together are bellyaching funnythey feed off one another and other supporting characters. The few dramatic moments they share, both are equally (if not more) likable.<br/><br/>Support notably comes from Marlon Wayanslocal Boston FBI agent Levy, Demian Bichirthe FBI boss and Michael RapaportShannon Mullins brother Jason. Thoman F. WilsonCaptain Woods was hilariouswas Dan Bakkedahlthe Albino DEA agent Craig while Spoken Reasonsa drug supplier Rojas was the only negative character that left an impression.<br/><br/>Nudging in at almost two hours, apart from a few scenes (the extended bar scene comes to mind) the film manages to stay entertaining throughout and is a good addition to the buddy cop genre. Bullock and Melissa make a formidable duo that will keep you tickled if you do not take the story too seriously.
After watching the trailers, I was expecting torture, but this smart, subversive movie made me laugh. So shoot me.
The US Blu-ray features two versions of the film. Next to the R-rated theatrical version, we have an unrated cut that doesn't offer a substantially better film. If you liked the theatrical version, you might enjoy some of the plot extension that the longer cut introduces since they add a little humor but they are not necessary to alter the film's overall impression. In total the Unrated Version runs approx. three minutes longer than the Theatrical Version.
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last edited 215 weeks ago by lonalighgi
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